June 15, 2011

to all sunflowerers of 2011

Hello sunflower! Its been uhm 1 year since I updated this blog. But I'm really glad to see this blog still alive. Hmm. I should say its surviving?
Alright. Anyway, this is Nicole here. I didn't realised that sunflower blog was so active till Melina told me that there are posts here.
So I should do my dedication too right here on this blog.

Alright. Its been 1 year since I migrated or should I say transfered over to mynah patrol. And I kinda miss sunflower patrol a lot. I realised that you all don't have patrol meeting any more that I can attend and all yeah? :( And there isn't any patrol outing. Mel!
Anyway, its really sad to see that the whites are leaving and all. I think I'll kinda miss them.
Hi awesome PL! Its been really nice to have you as my patrol leader and patrol second and my commander. I still remember the first time when you came to our patrol. Thank you for all your contributions and all to sunflower. Its really a memorable thing. As you can see... our sunflower patrol tee and everything. I'll miss you. Good luck for your os.
Hey xinyi! Its really fun to have you as my display ic and signature table rp. And lastly, a really good sunflowerer! Remember the times when I first joined sunflower and all the games we played and I don't know how to describe how warm you & monique were to Melina, Jillian and I. Still remember the times when you and Monique called each other retarded and all and also when we went to the guides house to get our uniform! Haha and you dance really really well. Gonna miss you a lot. All the best for your os.
Hi monique. I still remember when I first joined guides, I mentioned that your name was unique. And you and xinyi arguing about who is smarter. It was really hilarious! Thank you for being a nice senior even though you transfered to orchid. I still remember you! (: And thank you for being a great commander. Will miss you. jiayou for your os.

Dude! Thanks for being there with me all the time. Like really all the time. (: okay, but you still havent tell me some stuff. Anyway, bring sunflower to greater heights kay. And stop being really epic and funny. You still owe me uhm, patrol meeting and patrol outing. Hurry plan okay. I'm waiting. See ya PL and commander. :D
Hey cow! Thanks for being a really epic cow. nono. Epic CL. wait. good CL. Bring SNGG to greater heights kay. And pressure mel for me to plan patrol outing please. :( Okay, guess what I have nothing to say here. Think I just repeat whatever I said on your birthday card.

Hi Clarisse! Stop poking my fats kay. Wait. you can't poke mine. Anyway, even though you are transfered, you still must come down for patrol meeting and all okay. And sunflower will always remember you for life. Like how you all remembered me. Do your best in kingfisher and work well with xueying. Don't bully her ah!
Hello Wanyee! Welcome to uhm mynah patrol. We are 'sunnahs' quoted from melina. Work hard in mynah kay. Like work hard with me because I'm super nice to work with. Don't believe ask melina and jillian. Anyway, we are still sunflowerers, no worries kay! And don't bully me. (:
Welcome to sunflower! Work with melina and all okay. Don't you dare bully her. I'll come after you. Alright, work hard in sunflower and all and do your best here okay!

sophia and gladys: 
Hello sec ones. Though I don't really know you all well but co-operate with Melina and Sherill okay. And show sunflower proud. (: Jiayou in guides!

Nicole Ang.

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